If you've ever had to tackle a major project, whether it's an assignment for school, an art installation for work, or another task that you're dreading tackling, then you'll know how important it is to take breaks. If not, do that now ... Seriously! It'll be worth your time. That's why we've put together this definitive guide on ways to take effective breaks. By following these handy tips, you'll be able to take breaks effectively in no time! Here are 5 easy ways to take an effective break: It may seem counterintuitive, but taking short breaks is one of the most effective ways to stay focused when working on a project. A lot of people will try to battle through not taking breaks by doing longer stretches of work at a time. While this can work for some people, for others it can lead to burnout or exhaustion which will affect their performance at work later on. It may be hard at first but try breaking up tasks into smaller chunks and pacing yourself throughout the day. The more you work, the more your breaks can get longer until you're ready to take an extended break. If you find that the best time for you to get things done is either early in the morning or late at night, then that's fine too; but make sure to take a break afterwards. Fun doesn't have to be frivolous and this one is pretty serious: not only is laughing great for your health and well-being, it can also help productivity! The benefits of taking a break and laughing include stress relief, improved memory and an increase in creativity. The best part is that it's easy to do. Just find something funny - you could go online or try hanging out with friends, relatives or co-workers to make sure you have the right attitude before getting back to work. Make sure to take a few minutes at least once every couple of hours! If you're finding that it's hard for you to take breaks at work, then maybe what you need is a change of scenery. Experts suggest that taking a break to step away from your desk and move around is one of the most effective ways to stay focused. If there are no windows available where you work then it's definitely worth checking out if your employer offers any onsite facilities such as recreational sports or exercise classes. If you are the type that prefers to spend your breaks by yourself, then try working out at home. It can be a great way to stay fit but it will also give you the opportunity to focus on what you're doing without any distractions. If it's hard for you to take breaks for whatever reason, then why not make it easier? Try one of these hacks: These hacks are very effective if they really work for you! Did something happen recently that made it hard for you to take breaks? Don't stress; there's nothing wrong with taking time off whenever needed. The easiest solution would be to take frequent short breaks throughout your work day. 8eeb4e9f32 25